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Blend or flip your classroom with a personalized LMS
"We are very excited about EDUonGo and its wonderful collaborative features. For once, an LMS provider finally has figured it out. It truly goes beyond just organizing a person's content."
Our system allows you to integrate OneNote, OneDrive and Office Mix.

Export your lessons, assignments and discussion boards into OneNote.

Access all of your OneDrive files in EDUonGo and deliver content directly into your courses.

Use our dedicated search engine to find your Office Mix videos and upload into your course.
Content Partners

More than 500,000 standards-aligned digital resources are hosted in EdGate’s content delivery system, the Curriculum Matrix. A sophisticated search tool identifies virtually any digital content, with grade-specific filtering to make it clear how each piece of content engages the individual student for remediation, instruction, or enrichment.

Ucodemy provides a solution that equips schools with coding contents, tools, and coaches to help develop students’ knowledge of computer science. Integrated with EDUonGo, all of the Ucodemy coding content is easily accessible to teachers through the LMS. Additional features such as a custom Scratch, which is a popular visual programming language from MIT for teaching students how to code, are fully integrated within eduongo. educational content features include grade-level interactive word puzzles that help expand one's vocabulary (starting with High Elementary - 2nd grade with prefixes - through College Prep). We have also created our Rooty*Hoot*Hoot® brand puzzles using Latin & Greek roots, RootRoutes® , Word Webs™, synonyms and antonyms (SynOps™), word pairs (WordWaves™) and Root-by-Root™